“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” -Jim Rohn

Here at BuchWyrm, we believe that a love of literature starts in our earliest years with those first few books that transport us to another place and time. We make it our mission, everyday, to create books that will empower young minds and stoke the flames of imagination for a brighter, better and bolder tomorrow.

Phoenix Fyre

Phoenix is an author, storyteller, dungeon master and mother of three. She is an avid reader and loves traveling to new places by book, auto, plane or train.

Follow Phoenix on Amazon at http://amazon.com/author/phoenixfyre

or on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20777843.Phoenix_Fyre

Flash Fyre

Flash is an action adventure writer that enjoys writing for children as he remains a child at heart. He is a proud superhero nerd, and while the Marvel/DC debate remains unsettled, both continue to inspire his love of complex and unique characters. Flash is a member of the South Carolina Writer’s Association and currently lives in South Carolina with a cat named Zelda.

Wylde Fyre

Wylde is a children’s book author and illustrator. Wylde is passionate about reading, writing, art and travel. She was born in Augusta, Georgia but spent her formative years in Europe. She received her secondary education back home in the States and has a degree in Marketing. Wylde lives in South Carolina with a dog named Halo and a cat named Salazar.

Follow Wylde on Amazon at http://amazon.com/author/wyldefyre

or on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20777842.Wylde_Fyre

B.A. Kyo

B.A. Kyo is a sci-fi/fantasy writer and children’s book author. Mr. Kyo is an ardent reader and gamer, who has brightened the lives of his students by adding these fun learning elements into his classroom. He has many years of experience as a school teacher and working with children. B.A. Kyo has a Bachelor’s in Secondary Education and a Master’s in Curricular Design from Grand Canyon University.

Follow B.A. Kyo on Amazon at http://amazon.com/author/bakyo

or on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20823379.B_A_Kyo

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